This is kind of a personal article today.
Many different conversations flow about the meaning of today.
December 12th is the feast day of the Virgin de Guadalupe. Around the global more people worship a female deity on this day than any other day of the year. The sheer magnitude of prayer and attention to the Divine Feminine reshapes our consciousness–if we pay attention. Although this festival happens every year, no doubt it is particularly celebrated and auspicious this year.
This is the last time we will experience three numbers lining up in our calendar as they do today. Not again until 1-1-01, which is a very long way away. Not in my lifetime (I don’t think . . .).
12-12-12 is also the twin of 12-21-12, which of course is the Winter Solstice and the day that the Mayan Calendar ends. Much has been and is being said about this portal, this threshold into a New World Age. 12-12-12 is the beginning of a nine day cycle, some predict, that comes to fruition on 12-21-12.
For many people these days will pass unremarked.
I hope not for you.
In the midst of my busy life, with clients, business, and family, I find space to acknowledge. To pause, breathe, go inside, feel within the stirring of much that is beyond me, yet is undeniable.
This has been a year of increasing extremes. The up is higher, the down is lower. Both are strong. But the upward spiral is SO MUCH STRONGER when you tap into it. Are you? Every moment brings a choice of where to focus.
For me today, and 12-21-12 are about focus and intention. I believe that through the eye of this needle much may appear to be the same. Or all may appear to be utterly different. The choice will be there–it will be obvious, unprecedented, and also easy to ignore if you choose.
I often speak about opening to a new and widening field of possibilities.
Two years ago I saw before me quite dramatically two movies. In one I lost my marriage, my child, my business, my home. Everything fell apart, and I was alone. With nothing and no one. A nightmare.
In the other, one step at a time, my life began to make sense. I could see a few steps in front of me. I had the sense that everything would work out okay. I might feel like I had scraped my knees, but I made it through the darkness. I knew I would get to the other side. I could feel I was guided and protected, even though on my own I couldn’t see the way.
Each day, each moment, I had the choice of which movie to live inside of. It was like I had a remote control and at the click of a button I could be in either reality.
I chose the one in which everything worked out okay.
Today I no longer see the options of having everything fall apart. That is not a possibility in my current reality.
Why? Because I decided that it wouldn’t be.
I took actions inside of my own mind every day to ensure that this would be the case. I took actions in my outer world every day premised on the assumption that support was available, and that I could rely on it.
Is the path clear?
Absolutely not.
Are the next steps clear? Yes.
Today I bow to 12-12-12 as the portal through which all of us may enter the world in which everything works out okay. Better than okay. Great may even be possible.
Are you with me?
Let me know . . . so we can experience this together.