I’m back home today after spending a week in Seattle with my parents. It was good to go, and now it’s good to be back. We are spending the next few days getting Emma ready to go back to school next week, and putting finishing touches on my big event, Take Command, coming up next week.
For the first time in four years, I didn’t send a newsletter to you last week. Not just because it was Christmas last Wednesday. But because when I arrived in Seattle I discovered that things had changed with my parents. They are both 81 now, and they have been in remarkably good health. But now that’s changing. In just a few months, they have moved into a new phase of life in which they now need much more assistance. Last week our holiday time was not what I expected – and all of me was needed there. I was glad that I could be there for that.
So on the New Year’s Day, I wish you many blessings for the health and happiness of you and your beloveds.