I’ve got some big changes afoot over here! I’m making the move from PC to Apple – and it’s been, well, a learning curve. I’m excited about it, which helps moving through the hard parts. Having a tech team to help makes a difference, too!
I started out years ago when I was in graduate school with my first computer—a Macintosh. One of those cute all in one computers. I had a couple more MACs over the years until I started working in a team environment back in 2000, and I had to switch to PC so I could share documents with my team members. It was a PC world back then.
Now I’m switching back over – and it’s time because now it’s an Apple World. Fascinating how things change. I’ve had an iPod and iPhone for years, but I was reluctant to go for a MAC because, well, because of the learning curve! Of course I’m not just changing platforms, I’m changing the way I do my email and contacts because I’m working on multiple devices, and now on a PC desk top and a MacAir laptop. Sooooo–!
I know, I know. I can hear you MAC lovers out there yelling: “Just give up that PC desktop already and you’ll be fine!” You’re probably right. And you’ve got to love brand loyalty like that.
Next week I’ll send you some photos from Kauai taken on my new iPad Mini – yippee!