My confession—I do have an inner control freak. And I don’t mean a freak for Halloween, either.
Do you? Come on, be honest.
I think most entrepreneurs have an inner control freak. I mean, that’s one reason we want to have our own businesses—we want to be in charge.
In fact I was speaking with a client yesterday, and we were discussing whether or not creating a business or using her impressive skill set would be better for her. And she said: “I need to do my own business—I really like to be in charge.” LOL!
Now I’m not sayin’ it’s a bad thing to have an inner control freak. But, I can say from experience—personal and professional—that it can be really wearing. Because inner control freaks for the most part come out of fear. That’s what I’ve learned.
Control to create the illusion of safety. But you know what? That’s an illusion. Safety cannot come from control—and control can kill creativity.
So what’s an entrepreneur to do? Don’t worry, I am not going to say give up control.
What I am going to recommend is transmuting your desire for control into something else. Something far more powerful, and far more effective. Interested?
And that’s COMMAND. Not control, command. Do you know the difference?
Control comes from fear. Control seeks power over other people and outside circumstances. Control is co-dependent in that it aims to change the outside in order to calm the emotions inside. And it never works—at least not for long.
COMMAND, on the other hand, comes from CONNECTION. Connection inside. Command arises naturally from connection with source, soul, spirit. And command radiates power, soul power, power to create, power to manifest—not power over.
There’s a big difference.
Control shows up in your business when you try to force things to happen—force people to work with you in sales conversations, or force a launch when you’re really not prepared, or force yourself into a box because you think that’s what people want to buy. That’s really not helpful.
Command shows up in your business in you being 100% committed to every sales conversation, and also 100% unattached to what people decide. Because you know, you know, that the right people are coming, the right people are there, and you are just showing up and sorting for the right ones. Or you walk into a room and people pay attention because of the nature of your Being—not because of what comes out of your mouth. Command shows up in your attitude of possibility, your vision, your purposefulness—and your results.
Where does control, and where does command show up in your business? When does fear get the better of you and you want to withdraw or clamp down? And when do you feel solid and stable inside and operate from a deep sense of inner knowing? How can you cultivate that latter and mediate the former?
Owning your power means truly being yourself – not trying to control other people. Where can you own your power and your Self more TODAY?