This is a big question for many soul-inspired entrepreneurs. Even more, is it spiritually correct to make a lot of money? You may not realize how big a question it really is. But if you look at your results, you can trace back from your results to what might be the belief that is creating them. For many people, they consciously like the idea of making money, and they like the idea of doing so from their passion, yet hooking the two together seems difficult (if not impossible), and they are not getting the traction to the level they would like. Is this true for you?
Take a moment and think about your results. Are you creating your business from your passion? If you are, is your income providing you with the lifestyle you truly want and deserve? Is it enabling you to make the kind of contribution you really could make if you had all the resources you need?
If you aren’t creating your business from your passion, are you not pursuing your passion because you don’t believe you can make money at it? Or maybe you are not sure it’s really in alignment to make money doing what you really love–that what you truly love to do is something you feel more comfortable just giving away?
There’s really a lot imbedded in here. Deep in your unconscious are belief patterns that are orchestrating your experience, attracting some things to you, while repelling others. You are that powerful. Yes, this has been written about and taught for a long time, and now it’s being confirmed by the new biology by such visionaries as Bruce Lipton. We are fortunate to be living in such a time that this truth is now better known. Even so, it can be still difficult to understand and to know how to work with it effectively.
Each one of us operates within a paradigm of belief that literally makes some things visible and possible, and other things obscure and out of reach. Many of your beliefs were created in early life, in the environment of your family of origin. Some of them you brought in with you from other lives, what I call the Soul’s Journey. Others you downloaded from the collective unconscious, sensitive being that you are. Whatever the origin, these beliefs operate from under the surface of your awareness. They appear to be “just the way things are.”
And for many people, perhaps for you, your underlying beliefs about money, spirituality and business are in conflict with each other. I know coming out of a political activist and social justice background, I had real problem with money and business making sense with equal rights. It wasn’t until I was introduced to metaphysics–which is my spirituality–that things began to change. And that’s when my results changed, too.
So consider your results. What situation are you living in, and what does it tell you about your underlying beliefs? Pay particular attention to how you feel when you begin to look. Notice the energy in your body as you are reading this, and the thoughts that arise. These can be important indicators for you to understand what’s going on inside you.
I’ve heard many healers, teachers, and other service professionals say, for example, that they would like to just give away what they do, but they live in a world where they need money, so they have to ask for it. As if receiving money as an exchange for the service they provide is somehow an undesirable reality that they have to deal with.
I also often hear phrases like this:
- I don’t want to push myself on people.
- I don’t want to seem arrogant/full of myself.
- I don’t want people to think I’m doing this just for the money.
- I love what I do but I hate the business part of it, it doesn’t seem aligned with what I do.
Where does all this come from? Take a moment to step back.
Historically, in Europe especially, people were trained to give away their worldly assets to the Church as a way to secure a place in heaven. This world was deemed unworthy, and attention was directed toward the hereafter. Unfortunately the Church was often corrupt and a perpetrator of great violence, especially against out-spoken women, and especially against women who were healers, teachers, and leaders. This violence and confusion around spirituality, purpose, healing, and power runs deep in the collective unconscious–especially of women and women who are healers, teachers and leaders. You may not even realize how residue from this history is affecting your belief system from deep within your unconscious.
Notice what kind of thoughts you habitually have about your healing practice or service-oriented business, especially in relation to money, visibility, and recognition. Do you long for prosperity and recognition, yet fear or resist either actually receiving them or doing what you would need to do to create them?
Do you feel stuck as if you have one foot on the gas and one on the brake? Do you realize that the discomfort you feel at times does not seem reasonable given your current circumstances, yet you feel powerless to change it? If you answered yes to any of these, most likely you have underlying beliefs that are orchestrating your experience from deep within.
The good news is that it really is possible to change these beliefs– once you become aware, and you give understanding and releasing them your attention.