Have you noticed that expectations dramatically influence your experience? Yep, they sure do. I am glad I have finally really learned this. You know why? Otherwise I could be really unhappy right now.
My daughter has had the flu for more than a week now – almost all of our holidays so far, and it looks like it will extend through this week as well. I could allow this to annoy me, or depress me, or outrage me. But instead I am rolling with it pretty well. Mostly I feel bad for her, she does not feel well at all. I am actually really grateful to have had the time to be with her without my own stress, which is harder when I’m in my normal work mode.
I know that she will emerge from this changed. This is always what happens after days of fever. Rudolf Steiner (creator of Waldorf Education and anthroposophical medicine) said that fevers are the way the soul burns its way into the body, incarnating more fully into the physical realm. As hard as it is for her, and for me, I’ve seen the way this experience propels her development.
We are having a cold snap, which for us means the 40s and maybe a freeze at night. (I know, some of you are laughing.) So we’ve got the wood stove fired up around the clock. We still have our tree up – which is actually my favorite part of the season, so I leave it up until it’s shedding so many needles I can’t stand it any more. We have cup after cup of tea – and the cat is so happy we are home after being gone for a week that she climbs into everyone’s lap.
Life is good, even with the challenges.
Enjoy every moment and love your beloveds deeply.