Big changes are afoot, certainly. I know many of you have been experiencing changes in your work and business lives. Jobs ending. Businesses struggling. Ways of doing things that once worked no longer getting the results that they once did. Knowing inside that you want so much to contribute, express yourself, make a difference and live in a better world—and seemingly running into walls, or at the edge of the cliff, pushed to your maximum.
I know exactly what this feels like because I have been through this too. I was completely lost about how to get my first job, and I’ve had to learn everything I know about business outside of—and counter to—the culture of my family and first communities. And as a Clarity Breathwork® practitioner and trainer, and Awakening Your Light Body Teacher I was really on the edge, to say this least. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t steady, certain, or reliable.
Being on the leading edge isn’t comfortable—it isn’t meant to be. Because the leading edge is pressing into new terrain. And that’s just what’s happening now.
Everything changed for me when I started to really get the potency and potential of this moment in time. I’ve been hearing about the Shift of the Ages my whole life. Well, at least since the Fifth Dimension recorded and performed “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” in 1969. Even so it just a few years ago that I began to get it.
And part of that has meant being pushed to heal my money issues. It was no longer tolerable not to live the principles that I professed to believe in. It was no longer viable to live inside the old stories, instead of stepping into the new world age.
Do you believe in an abundant universe and the benevolence of god/goddess or spirit, yet live in scarcity and struggle?
~ > Don’t be embarrassed. You are in very good company.
But is that dissonance becoming intolerable to you, too? That’s what’s making things so HOT. The ideas, concepts, understandings even of the infinite, expanding nature of the universe—and the apparent lack all around you. Arrrrg.
Take a breath. And another. Because the more intense it gets, the closer you are to the shift. And you get to decide if you have to run out of your employment, or your unemployment, your business income, your savings, your alimony, or your inheritance, before you make the shift or not. I see so many people go right to the edge before they make a decision to let in what has always been available.
And sometimes, most times, you will need help to make that decision and stick to it. Or even see that the decision is available. I know I did. I needed the help of someone who had already made that decision and was living on the other side of it to help me see it and move through.
How far will you need to be pushed until you start to live the life you came here to lead? Until you agree to step into your true radiance and be fully, unabashedly, notoriously, yourself? Until you stop caring what other people think, and open to your own creativity, skills developed through lifetimes, genius, and inner guidance? Until you focus, simply, clarify, innovate, and bring forth your unique contribution to the new world now emerging? Until you turn away from what has been, and turn toward what is forming within and before you?
Because you are needed. You and your business matter. And when you truly honor yourself—let go the doubts, the habits, the old stories—when you own yourself, when you become sovereign of your being—everything changes. When you grasp your part in this tremendous shift we are all in, everything changes. You become in command of the change, instead of at the mercy of it.
- Finding the clear path through the apparent challenges becomes easier.
- Connecting with the right clients becomes spontaneous.
- Creating money becomes the obvious outcome of your life service.
Your spiritual principles are already here. The support you are longing for is already here. The abundance you crave is already here. The opportunities, resources, and prosperity you seek are already here.
When you embrace instead of resist the leading edge.
That’s why business is soul work.