We love this camp for many reasons—friends we’ve known for many years; the forest/meadow location with warm weather, cool nights, and a lovely small lake; incredible teachers, deejays, and dancing; excellent organic food; and a tribal environment that is drug and alcohol-free. (That last one is super hard to find, and it’s a high value for our family.)
I’m leaving camp early to head east to Murrels Inlet, SC for my Mastermind retreat with my coach and twenty other rockin’ entrepreneurs. I hear Suzanne has something special cookin’ up for us—and you may just hear about it—so stay tuned!
Then I spend a few days enjoying a warm ocean in South Carolina before I head to Charlotte for Pamela Bruner’s event, Transform. Pamela and I have been in a mastermind together for almost four years now, and I’m delighted to be her friend and colleague. She is such a rock star, and I am super looking forward to speaking at her event. I still have a couple of gift tickets left to share, so please do join us for an incredible experience June 27-29 in North Carolina!!