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Take a moment to count your abundance

written by Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD

sagraphicRain, rain, and more rain! With enough wind thrown in that we’ve had several trees down or damaged. Yesterday we had a crew here taking down damaged limbs that were hanging over the lane where we live (and they did that in the rain, too!). And, we love the rain here in California. After a year of virtually no rain at all, and a pretty dry fall, we are finally getting real downpours and accumulating inches, which I hope will begin to fill the reservoirs deep down that we depend on over the rest of the year. That’s where we draw our well water from, for example. We also are getting snow in the Sierras so that will help with water being available next spring and summer.

Why should you care? Well, if you live in the United States, chances are a portion (sometimes a BIG portion) of your food comes from California. And for that we need water.

It might seem that I am over emphasizing rain and water – and yet water is one of the key resources and issues of our times. I LOVE water in all its forms. I relish, crave, enjoy, cherish, and delight in water.

Blessings to you as we head more into the holiday season of Holy Days, which ever you celebrate, however you celebrate them. Among traditions all over the world, this time is sacred and potent. I raise my tea mug, which later will be a wine glass, to you and yours for letting in the blessings that are yours already. Take a moment to count your abundance, and let in all that you have received, all that you love and cherish, and how deeply, deeply you are loved and supported.

Blessed Be.

Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job as the Director of Women’s a Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not built to work for anyone else. Since then, Dr. Ostara has become a Certified Human Design Specialist (Level 4), a Certified Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, a highly sought after teacher-mentor, who teaches high-achieving women how to develop their personal sovereignty, to activate their super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success.

She’s the creator of the Soul Signature Self Awareness Project, the Wheel of Power of the Visionary Entrepreneur, and over 20 educational programs focused building soul-inspired businesses that positively impact the world and taking command of your life through personal sovereignty. She’s hosted 5 multi-speaker online conferences, and spoken on over 15 such conferences reaching audiences of over 200,000 participants.

With two decades of experience supporting 20,000+ students and hundreds of clients through her online programs and conferences, Dr. Ostara teaches how to avoid overwhelm and burnout, how to make reliable decisions, how to create a bigger impact with less effort, and how to transform inner liabilities into powerful assets and allies.