I just started a 40-day practice into the inquiry of DESIRE. What do I truly want and desire? Seems like a simple question, right? One thing I’ve discovered about myself – and I’ve heard this from so many friends and clients – is that this is not such a simple question after all. My conditioning led me on certain path, my interests are wide so it’s easy to go into many different directions either over time or all at once! At midlife, I am more and more coming into terms with realizing I can only do and experience so many things. And this animates the question even more – what do I truly desire? Because while I have many possibilities – I want to move in the direction of what I desire most.
I created a special journal for my inquiry, and I’m using a structure created by my friend, Christine Arylo. She outlines the structure in her book, Madly in Love with Me, in case you want to create a 40-day practice for yourself. It’s so easy to move along day by day carried by the busyness and demands of life. Creating this kind of intention and container brings another dimension in. This is my first one – I’ll report back when I’m done!